Thursday, November 1, 2018

A Moral & Economic Argument Against Nationlism

Out of all the tricks in a dictator's toolbox, nationalism is among the most effective.
In this speech I will be talking about how nationalism skews morality in favor of one country's 
actions, brings about a devout loyalty that ensures no one questions the actions of their
 government, limits the spread of ideas, and leads to scapegoating. According to Merriam 
Webster nationalism can be defined as "loyalty and devotion to a nation especially : a 
sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing 
primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to 
those of other nations or supranational groups."

    Nationalism is quite natural, humans have a natural tribalistic tendency, brought on by the evolved
 trait of "Shared Intentionality” which is “the ability to share mental representations of tasks that two or
 more of [our ancestors] were pursuing together." According to Scientific American "When early 
humans began to share intentions, their ability to hunt, gather, raise children, and raid their neighbors
increased exponentially." Hence benefiting tribalism in natural selection. In modern times however 
tribalism has been the cause of much spilled blood as the source of the us vs them mentality that 
leads to gang violence, and war. Nationalism is merely a common, and rather often nasty form of 
tribalism in which fighting happens on an unrivaled scale. There are a wide range of  ways in which 
this tendency can be diffused, and things like sports teams or olympic competitions are capable of 
solving the same disputes as wars. While causing little to no harm.

 Nationalism is perfect for skewing a situation so as to make one's own nation seem more important
 than others. In doing so you also make that nation seem superior. No nation in the world is without 
adversaries or competitors. As a result when a nationalistic nation fails to match its competitors the 
thought that the leadership or culture of that nation is at fault is almost entirely ruled out. This inevitably
 leads to scapegoating. According to Psychology Today in scapegoating “Envy gradually builds up in a 
society until it reaches a tipping point, at which order and reason cede to mob rule, chaos, and violence.
 To quell this 'madness of the crowds', which poses an existential threat to the society, an exposed or
 vulnerable person or group is singled out as a sink for all the bad feeling”. It's often true that such 
events can be predicted but they can't always be controlled, sometimes scapegoating like this is to the
 rulers benefit, like in the case of Otto Von Bismarck who used the common German identity to annex
 the southern German states under the thesis of protection from France. However it can be a whole
 lot more gruesome, for example take the Holocaust, or the Armenian Genocide.

For a country with the international outreach of the United States, an open minded viewpoint of the 
world is especially important. The problem with democracy when it comes to a world power is that that
 nations decisions don’t just affect them, but the rest of the world as well. If a hegemon’s citizens don’t 
understand international issues and how her countries decisions affect the rest of the world, than that 
countries decisions won’t be truly democratic as only a fraction of the individuals affected are 
represented in every world issue. Therefore, in order to ensure that the United States acts in a moral 
manner citizens must consider the people of other nations to be their equals and learn about their ways of life as well
 as our own.

The famous slogan  “my country right or wrong” perfectly symbolizes the zealous nature of 
nationalism, beliefs like this are the enemy of rational thought. Even if an entity such as a nation is or
 has historically been morally correct that is not to say that they always will be, especially if her citizens 
ignore her flaws. In order for a nation to truly be great it needs to catch itself when it runs amok. If you
 were to believe that you should always be loyal to your nation, than it would be because that is the
 most moral course of action. Therefore questioning the actions of a nation should never do any harm 
and more likely than not be of some benefit. Any dictator or corrupt politician however has nothing but 
love for such a viewpoint. What more could an immoral ruler ask for than citizens who don't bat an eye
 at anything? Such a belief is the perfect cover up for any internal issues, and the perfect card to play
 to keep the public from being in a state of unrest. This is why autocracy’s such as China have
 programs such as the Chinese patriotic education plan, which according to ScienceDirect is 
“Chinese nationalism constructed and enacted from the top by the Communist state.”

A sense of superiority in a nation also freezes cultural exchange with other nations. When one focuses
 all of their attention on their own nation it’s difficult to see how others do things. Rather than having 
each nation have their own flaws it makes more sense for us to learn from each other and build of
 each others accomplishments. Much like how we build structures and vehicles based of designs in
 nature, let’s also build are traditions and rituals of off the labor of other countries, so long as it costs
 those other nations nothing. A conscious understanding of international issues would also help 
prevent corruption and political disaster in those nations, for example it is unlikely a well informed
 United States would continue to allow dictatorships like Russia or China to quietly exist without some
 form of backlash. And a better understanding of international issues would also do the US itself quite
 a bit of good as voters would be able to make more well informed decisions. The livelihood of other
 nations affects us to, we can no longer sit idly by and let corruption play out. Dictators don’t get tired
 of being greedy. It’s important that we as citizens of a democratic nation and as consumers exercise
 our influence to keep those in who abuse power from getting stronger. As long as other nations keep
 the same attitude our collective strength will make this as beneficial for the United States as it is for 
other countries.

You might say that we shouldn't have to look out for other nations because they should be able to 
take care of themselves that we should all just function separately instead of in unity. But this viewpoint
 fails to bring up the crucial point that, that is just simply less effective and beneficial way of doing 
things for all participating parties. According to Heritage “Free trade, is good for America, for a very
 simple reason: It allows American workers to specialize in goods and services that they produce 
more efficiently than the rest of the world and then to exchange them for goods and services that other
 countries produce at higher quality and lower cost.” Even if we somehow fall behind in everything, 
American’s will still gain more from mutually beneficial trading, and the same goes for all other
 participating parties.

In conclusion a love for one's nation is not the root cause for nationalism's inherent immortality. 
However the skewing of thoughts is. and while a democracy actually gains more from being 
nationalistic as it's people wield more power, it's a no brainier for any ruler who wishes to be deviant to
 employ nationalism as a common public belief, and dictator's happen to wield much more power to
 make their public nationalistic than presidents. I urge each individual hearing this speech, not to take
 down their American flags, or wipe of their face paint but instead to consider all other nations of equal
 importance and view yourselves not as primarily as American citizens but as global ones. As a world
 we have no need to compete with each other if it means doing harm, we should instead try and help 
one and another no matter how different we all are.

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